
Beware of Fraudulent Activity and Job Scams

最近,全国范围内关于求职诈骗的报道在大学校园和网上求职板上变得司空见惯. 这种犯罪活动的目的是获取学生的钱财, bank account information, social security number, or identity. 这些骗局通常被张贴在网上的招聘板上,在报纸上,或通过电子邮件发送给你. The Career Development staff utilizes the online job portal, Handshake,方便学生与潜在雇主/实习地点之间的联系. 职业发展部门的员工不认可特定的工作/实习职位或雇主. 尽管我们努力验证在Handshake上发布的帖子的质量和合法性,但骗子越来越难以识别. 我们鼓励所有用户在评估任何发布系统上的所有机会时使用批判的眼光. 请阅读以下信息和资源,从 Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Balance, and the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). This document was sent along by the FBI. Please take a look at it, and remember beware of job scams.

To Report a Job Scam

Read through these instructions 浏览资讯科技服务网站,并按照指示操作. 


犯罪分子利用各种各样的就业骗局来引诱学生, below are the most common:

Mystery Shopper Scam

在过去的几年里,FSU已经有了这种特殊的骗局. 尽管有合法的神秘购物公司雇佣大学生和其他人对商店提供反馈, restaurants, and businesses, a majority are not factual opportunities. There are numerous scammers posing as mystery shopping companies. 这种类型的骗局可以通过不请自来的电子邮件或招聘启事发生. 这家欺诈性公司要求你支付一笔费用才能成为雇员. 这是一个骗局,因为你不应该付钱给公司成为一名员工. 这种骗局的另一种变体发生在雇主要求你审查一家电汇公司并完成汇款时, this action then becomes a payment forward scam as described below.

Payment Forward Scam

这种骗局发生在你申请职位或回复垃圾邮件之后. 雇主会在雇佣前回复一个“测试”的指示. As part of the test, 你在邮件中收到一张支票,并被要求将支票存入你的账户,并通过电汇将一定数额的钱汇给另一个人. The employer promises that you will keep a percentage. It is a scam because the check is not valid; and if you deposit the check and transfer the money, 你将负责这笔资金.

Phishing Scam

这种骗局去年就发生在几个FSU学生身上,当你收到一封来自雇主的不请自来的电子邮件,声称他们看到了你发布的简历时,就会发生这种情况. “雇主”会说你的技能符合他们要招聘的职位,但他们需要你提供更多的信息. 雇主要求你提供个人信息,他们可能会用这些信息来窃取你的身份. 在提供任何信息之前,一定要对公司进行调查并核实帖子的真实性. Always be cautious when sharing personal information, such as mailing address, phone number, social security number, identification number, or banking information.

Application Fee Scam

With this scam, 你需要为一份“保证”的就业机会申请支付25- 100美元. 人们通过冒充邮轮行业的成员来使用这种骗局.S. Postal Service, and other organizations. 一定要向你申请的公司了解更多关于申请流程的信息. 求职申请应该是免费的,没有“保证”的职位.

How Do You Spot a Scam?


  • Catchy job titles. Scammers often use words in the job title to catch your attention, such as "Work at Home", "No Experience Necessary", "Make $1000 a week", 或者“每周只工作一小时”.
  • Required payment. 当要求支付培训材料、入门工具包或其他物品时,这可能是一个骗局.
  • Lack of employer details. If few details about the employer are included in the ad, posting, or email, such as no company name, website, email address, or location, then this may be a scam.
  • Fake website. 如果网站是由一个免费域名托管的,比如雅虎,这可能是一个骗局. 骗子会利用合法公司的网站信息,将其作为欺诈网站发布. Research the company name and check domainwhitepages.com to identify when the website was created. 如果该网站是最近创建的,或者是由与该公司不在同一地点的人拥有的, it could be fraudulent.
  • Unsolicited emails. 如果你收到一封未经请求的电子邮件,它来自一个免费的域名电子邮件地址(e.g., gmail.com, hotmail.com, or yahoo.com) it could be a scam. 如果电子邮件签名的名称与电子邮件的名称不匹配,这可能是一个骗局. Never click on a link in an email from someone you do not know, it could be a virus or other malicious software.
  • 个人资料要求. Requests for personal information via email, such as a copy of your ID, bank account information, or social security number, 能被身份窃贼利用吗. 
  • Guaranteed job offered. 合法的雇主在讨论你的技能和经验之前不会承诺给你一份工作.
  • Specific words or phrases. 注意职位描述中的用词, such as wire transfers, PayPal, eBay, package forwarding, or money transfers, 这些都是骗局的迹象.

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Check for Complaints

Your local consumer protection agency, 州检察长办公室, and the Better Business Bureau 能告诉你是否有人投诉过这家公司吗. 只要记住,没有抱怨并不意味着生意是光明正大的. 你可能想在网上搜索一下公司的名字和诸如 review, scam, or complaint. Look through several pages of search results. 在报纸、杂志或网络上查看有关公司的文章.